UFR Emploi du temps

by JL-developer



Check and update your time schedule of the University of Tours.

Have a quick and easy look at your online time schedule of the University of Tours.Designed to work with service provider ade.univ-tours.fr, this app should work with any iCalendar (ICS) time schedule available to direct download.Connect to your online time schedule service on your computer, select your time schedule and export it to iCalendar file format.Then enter the download URL in the app settings. You will be able to do so by a QR code scanning or directly (typing manually the URL or pasting it from clipboard).Now with a simple clic on the sync button, your time schedule will instantly be downloaded from the given URL and displayed.Enjoy !/! IMPORTANT /!Bug Fix: because of a change in behavior of ADE, the app couldnt download the timeschedule.WARNINGIn order to retrieve your time schedule, you need to enter the new URL provided by ADE.This app has the same performance as version 1.4.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Enfin l'appli de nouveau téléchargeable ! Je l'avais desinstallé par inadvertance et n'arrivais plus à l'avoir.. J'en ai essayé plusieurs autres et vraiment rien ne vaut celle-là ! Claire, lisible et nous permet de cacher certains cours (quand on est redoublante c'est bien pratique !)

Sian Titcomb

Il faut juste modifier le nombre de semaines "week" pour avoir le calendrier de l'année. Utilisée et valable pour UniPoitiers !

Molinares Álvaro